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General Terms and Conditions

Dear visitors of the website www.asociacevyjednavacu.cz, you have just found yourself on the page with the general terms and conditions for the sale of participation in online and offline events, our e-books (e-books), online courses and educational events. On the website www.asociacevyjednavacu.cz (hereinafter referred to as “website” or “web interface”) you have probably already read the details of your chosen online/offline event, product or educational event. These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “GTC”) contain the information you need to have available before you click on the order button. Please read them carefully. Before completing the order, you also check the box “I agree to the Terms and Conditions”, which means that you agree to the Terms and Conditions without reservation, that you have read them properly and that you acknowledge that the rights and obligations between you and our company are governed by these Terms and Conditions.

When will the GTC be applied and how do they relate to the concluded contract?

The GTC will be used to order your participation in offline and online meetings, workshops, seminars, courses, educational stays (hereinafter referred to as “Organized Events”) and for the sale of e-books and online courses (hereinafter referred to as “Products”) via the web interface. At the same time, the GTC also lays down more detailed conditions for the implementation of organized events. The very purchase of products and the ordering of organized events and the process of concluding a contract are described below. The GTC is a document that forms an integral part of the contract concluded between us. If there are provisions in the contract that differ from the text of the GTC, the provisions in the contract take precedence. The contract you enter into with us is concluded in the Czech language, archived in electronic form and is not accessible to third parties. Part of the contract is your order (completed order form on the web interface), its acceptance by us and these GTC.

I. Basic information about us

Association of Negotiators

ID: 17849713

Registered office: 28 October 377/13, 110 00 Prague, Staré Město

Contact Email: info@asociacevyjednavacu.cz

Contact Phone: 721 292 989

The address for delivery is the same as the address of the registered office. On the above e-mail we are available for regular communication as well as for the possible handling of complaints and complaints. In the following text, we are merely acting as “Provider”.

II. Important terms to make it clear what is being written about here

Who is the customer?

The Customer is the one who, through the web interface, enters into a contract with us (as the Provider, on the basis of which:

the Provider will make digital content available to the Customer in the form of products (eBooks, online courses) for his use; or

The Customer orders participation in an event organized by the Provider (offline and online meeting, workshop, seminar, course, educational stay according to the current offer of the Provider); and undertakes to pay the Provider the agreed price (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”).

The customer can be both a consumer and an entrepreneur (a self-employed individual or a legal person, e.g. a limited liability company or a joint-stock company).

Who is the consumer?

According to the law, a consumer means a natural person who concludes a contract outside the scope of his business activity or outside the scope of his independent profession. If you are a natural person and you enter an ID number in the order, we will consider that you enter into the Agreement as an entrepreneur and not as a consumer.

What is a consumer contract?

It is a Contract in which the Consumer acts as the Customer. In many cases, the consumer is granted special protection and special rights. If a right concerns only the Consumer, this is expressly stated in the GTC (i.e. instead of “Customer”, “Consumer” is indicated).

What is a contract concluded in a distance way?

This is a Contract that is concluded through MEANS OF DISTANCE COMMUNICATION, i.e. it is concluded without us having to meet in person, as we use a web interface to conclude it. The costs associated with the use of means of distance communication (in particular the cost of internet connection and any telephone calls) are borne by you as the Customer and do not differ from the normal rate charged by your operator or Internet connection provider.

What laws does the contractual relationship between us govern?

These are valid legal regulations, in particular Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as “OZ”) and in cases where the Customer is a consumer, it is also Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on consumer protection.

III. How to place an order and conclude a contract?

1. As a Customer, you order products and organized events through the web interface, i.e. through the ordering system on the website, by filling out the order form located there.

2. DESCRIPTION OF PRODUCTS AND EVENTS: On the web interface you will find a detailed description of the organized events and products, a description of their characteristics, their content, information about who they are intended for and what benefits you can expect from them. On the web interface you can also find references from clients who purchased the products before you. The presentation of products and organized events presented on the web interface is informative in nature. As a Provider, we are not obliged to conclude a Contract with you regarding products and events (clause 1732 para. 2). OZ does not apply).

ORDERING PRODUCTS AND ORGANIZED EVENTS (with the date of the event already indicated on the web interface): To order a product or organized event via the web interface, use the order/reservation form in which you fill in your contact details (name, surname, address, e-mail, when ordering for a legal entity as well as data about a legal entity, ID number, TIN), information about the ordered product (by placing an order of the product to the “basket” of the web interface), in the case of an order for an organized event, you select a specific action, if it is not already indicated directly in the form, and select the method of payment.

Before sending the order, you are allowed to check and change the data entered in the order form and, if necessary, correct any errors and inconsistencies. Submit your order by clicking on the order button marked “Order with payment obligation” below the order.

We will consider the data specified in the order to be correct. The condition for the validity of the order is to fill in all the mandatory details in the order form and your confirmation that you have familiarized yourself with these GTC and the privacy policy.

We will inform you of the acceptance of an order made through the order form on the web interface by e-mail sent to your e-mail address specified in the order, the invoice or payment information for the product in another form and these GTC are included (attached).

In the event that the subject of the Agreement is the provision of products, the Agreement is concluded by delivering this confirmation of receipt of the order to your e-mail address specified in the order. In the event that you wish the Products to be made available to you immediately after the conclusion of the Contract and payment of the price of the Products, you must also agree in the order form that the Products will be made available to you within the period of withdrawal from the Contract in accordance with the provisions of § 1829 OZ.

In the event that the subject of the Agreement is an organized event, the Agreement is concluded only at the moment when the full price of the organized event is paid by you, unless expressly stated otherwise.

In the event that we are unable to fulfill any of the requirements stated in the order, we will send you an amended offer of products or organized events to your e-mail address. The amended offer is considered to be a new draft of the Agreement and in such case the Agreement is concluded by your acknowledgement of receipt of such offer to our electronic address specified in these GTC.

The order sent by you is considered binding on our part. Any changes to the concluded Agreement (including cancellation of the order) are possible only on the basis of an agreement between us. Until the conclusion of the Contract, you can cancel your order by e-mail sent to our e-mail address specified in these Terms and Conditions.

In case of doubt, we may contact you to verify the authenticity of the order and if it is not possible to verify the authenticity of the order, it is considered that the order has not been placed at all and we will no longer deal with such an order.

Ordering products and organized events via the web interface is possible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, please note that in exceptional cases, the website may be temporarily unavailable due to the necessary maintenance of the website or due to circumstances for which we are not responsible, such as internet connection outages, etc.

IV. what about the price and how is it paid?

1. PRICE OF PRODUCTS AND ORGANIZED EVENTS: The web interface also shows the price of products and organized events. The price is quoted including value added tax. The price is valid for the entire time it is indicated on the web interface. There are no shipping costs or other costs associated with the delivery of products and organized events, therefore the price indicated in the order summary is the final price. For organized events, the web interface indicates what the price includes (e.g. whether snacks are included).

In the case of selected products, we will provide you with the product in exchange for your personal data (electronic address, name and surname). The fact that products are provided in exchange for personal data is indicated in the web interface. We will handle your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

2. If there is an obvious error in the pricing on the web interface (this means, in particular, a typo, an error in entering the price) and the price of the products or events being organized is clearly disproportionate to the value of the product or the event being held, or a similar error in the process of concluding the Contract, then we are not obliged to deliver the product to you at such an obviously erroneous price, even if you have received an automatic confirmation of acceptance of the order. In the event that you have already paid this obviously erroneous price, we are entitled to withdraw from the Contract and refund the amount paid to you without undue delay. If there is a change in the price of a product or event held between the dispatch of your order and its confirmation by us, the price in force at the time of sending the order will apply, unless otherwise expressly agreed between us.

3. Unless expressly agreed between us, we are obliged to deliver the product to you only after full payment of the agreed price, or to allow you to participate in the organized event only after full payment of its price.

4th. PAYMENT METHOD: The agreed price can be paid as follows:

1) Cashless online payment card or so called fast online bank transfer via payment portal. Payment methods are connected to Stripe, Inc.'s payment gateway, which provides secure technology for accepting payment cards and online bank transfers. You enter your credit card numbers, credit cards and e-banking passwords using a secure and trusted channel from Stripe, Inc. This information is not shared with us and we cannot access it.

2) By non-cash transfer to our bank account specified in the invoice or advance invoice.

5. PRICE MATURITY: The price is due within 7 days of receipt of the order — via online bank transfer or payment by credit card. The due date is indicated on the invoice. For offline and online meetings, the full price must be paid no later than 3 days before the event, unless otherwise expressly agreed between us. For other organized events, the full price must be paid no later than 5 days before the event, unless expressly agreed otherwise between us.

The price is paid at the moment the relevant amount is credited to our bank account.

It is not possible to pay for products and organized events in the form of an installment schedule.

We do not require advance payment for products and organized events. Payment of the price of products or organized events prior to their delivery or holding is not considered as a deposit.

Q. How will products and events be delivered to you?

A. Product delivery conditions:

1. METHOD OF DELIVERY OF PRODUCTS (DIGITAL CONTENT). E-books will be made available in machine-readable format (usually pdf or similar), by sending after payment of the price to your e-mail address indicated in the order attached to this message, or by sending a link where the e-book can be downloaded or opened.

When purchasing an online course, after payment of the price, a user account will be created on the web interface and the access data to your user account will be generated and sent to your e-mail address specified in the order (the terms of use are specified in Art. VI of these GTC). In the event that the course opens on the same day for all enrollees, you will receive access data on the day announced in advance after payment of the price. After logging in to the user account, the online course will be available to you in our member section. If this is effective in terms of content continuity, individual lessons will be made available to you gradually, according to the schedule indicated on the “bulletin board” of the member section of the online course.

Please note that common hardware and software equipment, a functional Internet browser, a program for viewing PDF files and an Internet connection are necessary to access e-books, online courses and to participate in the online event.

Due to the fact that the provision of our products is a so-called one-time fulfillment, we do not provide any updates to these products.

2. DELIVERY TIME. E-book and online course will be delivered within 3 working days after the payment is credited to our bank account. The condition for delivery within this period is your express consent to provide the product within the withdrawal period. In the event that certain products are made available in exchange for personal data, they are made available without undue delay after sending the personal data.

If we are late in making the products available, you may withdraw from the Contract if we fail to comply with our obligation without undue delay after you have asked us to perform or within an additional period to which we expressly agree. Without additional time limit, you may withdraw from the Agreement in accordance with the preceding sentence only if it becomes clear from our communication or circumstances that we will not provide the Products to you, or if it follows from the Contract or from the circumstances of the conclusion of the Contract that performance at the specified time is necessary.

3. SHIPPING COSTS. E-books do not incur, and therefore no shipping or delivery costs are charged.

B. Delivery and cancellation policy (offline and online) of organized events:

1. METHOD OF DELIVERY: Organized events are delivered according to the conditions specified in the description of the organized event on the web interface, or on individually agreed terms. You have the right to attend the organized event on condition of proper and timely payment of the full price of the organized event. We reserve the right to unilaterally change the conditions of the event, e.g. the person of the event leader/teaching lecturer, the time of the event, the venue of the organized event within the same municipality/city, and we will notify you of such change in advance. The obligations between you and us are not affected by this. We are also responsible for ensuring that changing the terms and conditions will not affect the purpose of the event. The organized event will only take place if the event is ordered and paid by the minimum number of interested parties specified in the web interface at the description of the organized event. We reserve the right to cancel the event if there is a lower number of entries or force majeure intervention. In this case, we will inform all registered participants in a timely manner.

2. PARTICIPATION IN THE ONLINE EVENT: When you purchase participation in the online event, you will receive information on how to participate in the online event by email after payment of the prize.

3. POSSIBILITY OF SUBSTITUTE PARTICIPATION: It is possible to send an alternate instead of you (as the Customer) to the organized event in case you are unable to participate for serious reasons, only after prior agreement with us and if this is permissible and possible due to the content of the organized event.

4th. EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS AND INFORMATION: All information and any written materials, materials, scripts, audio recordings and media, recommendations, techniques, personal data and other methods transmitted by the lecturer leading the event are intended only for the purpose of the specific event organized and the personal use of individual Customers. It is not allowed to communicate and pass them on to third parties in any way, modify, distribute and copy them in whole or in part, use them for any commercial purposes or otherwise publish them without our knowledge and written consent.

5. LIABILITY DURING THE ORGANIZED EVENT: Throughout the event, Customers are fully responsible for themselves, their decisions and their actions towards themselves and others. Each participant of the event, including the event manager, is liable for any damage caused to himself or other Customers by his ill-considered or other behavior or for damage caused by him to the property and equipment of the premises that he uses during the event.

6. AUDIO AND VIDEO RECORDING OF AN ORGANIZED EVENT: During the event, we may record audio or video recordings. Unless expressly agreed otherwise, by participating in the hosted event as a participant, you agree that your likeness and expressions of a personal nature may be captured on this recording, including a recording of your appearance, voice, movements, gestures and other expressions of a personal nature. We may use these records containing your personal records in particular for marketing purposes.

7. POSSIBILITY TO EXCLUDE THE CUSTOMER FROM PARTICIPATION: All Customers are obliged not to disturb the course of the event and to follow the instructions of the supervisor/lecturer when participating in the organized event. The Provider or the manager/lecturer of the organized event is entitled to exclude the Customer from participation in the event that the Customer does not respect these GTC and as a result, in any way he has damaged the content of the organized event, other Customers or the leader/lecturer, or in the event that the course of the event will be disrupted by inappropriate behavior (i.e. behavior against the rules of decent coexistence of people e.g. repeated interruptions, participation under the influence of alcohol or other addictive substances, insulting the leaders of the event, lecturers or other participants of the event). In case of exclusion of the Customer from the organized event, the Customer is not entitled to a refund of the price of the organized event, not even part of it.


8.1 As Customers, you are entitled to cancel your participation in the organized event. If you have already paid the prize and cancel the participation no later than 30 working days before the start of the event, the full price paid will be refunded, in case of cancellation of the participation in a shorter period, the price is non-refundable. Unless otherwise agreed, the payment will be refunded to you in the same manner as it was received.

8.2. In the event that the organized event is canceled for reasons on our side and you, as the Customer, have already paid the price, you will receive a refund within 14 days from the date of the decision to cancel the event, the entire amount paid, unless we expressly agree to use the payment for the replacement performance of your choice. Unless otherwise agreed, the relevant amount will be refunded to you in the same manner as it was received. This paragraph shall also apply if the organised event must be cancelled on our part for reasons caused by force majeure, for example due to the adoption of epidemiological or other measures and decisions by public law authorities, but also if we reasonably fear that such measures and decisions will be taken just before the event or on the day of the event and therefore we will cancel the event for precautionary reasons. In the same way, this paragraph shall apply in the case of other reasons of force majeure. The circumstances of force majeure will apply to you as a participant in particular in relation to the related additional costs for travel and accommodation if you have already had to incur them, in which case we are not obliged to compensate you for the damage incurred by you as a result of the cancellation of the event or to pay any other expenses other than the refund of the price already paid for the event.

VI. What about the functionality of digital content and its synergy with hardware and software and copyright?

1. We send digital content (e-book) only to you, as the Customer, to your e-mail address, or by making available the address of the website where the content is located. Digital content requires that you have the hardware and software equipment to open and work with documents in pdf or other commonly used file formats for full functionality. To download the product from the website, it is necessary to have a functional Internet connection. We are not responsible for the unavailability of content in the event of a malfunction or slow speed of your Internet connection. Content may be temporarily unavailable for a short time in the event of data maintenance or server outages.

2. The products are created using our knowledge and experience and years of experience. These are instructions and recommendations, and it is up to you how you apply them in practice and how much care and effort you take to put this information into practice. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for what specific results you achieve on the basis of the products yourself. Products are not a substitute for personal consultation. Products created by us (e-books, online courses) are protected by copyright and it is not possible to further distribute it or allow its use to others without our prior express written consent. Copyright infringement is punishable not only under copyright law, but can also be a criminal offense.

VII. Withdrawal

1. PRODUCTS (E-BOOKS AND ONLINE COURSES): Pursuant to § 1829 (1) OZ, Customers in the position of Consumer have the right to withdraw from the concluded Contract without giving reasons within 14 days from the date of conclusion of the Contract.

According to § 1837 (l), Consumers do not have the right to withdraw from the contract for the supply of digital content if it has already been initiated with the express consent of the Consumer. Since we are confident in the quality of our products and at the same time we want you to have the opportunity to study it in peace, we give all Consumers the opportunity to use the guarantee, i.e. the possibility to withdraw from the Contract without giving reasons (and demand a refund) within 15 days from the date of the availability of the product (the period is calculated from the day when the access data to the online course was delivered to you or the e-book was made available to you in accordance with Art. V. of these GTC). If you decide to use this option, then within the above-mentioned warranty period, the withdrawal from the Contract must be sent by e-mail to fakturace@asociacevyjednavacu.cz or sent by mail to our address specified in Art. These GTC as well.

2. No later than 14 days after withdrawal from the Contract, we will refund the price of the product. We will refund the money to you in the same way as you paid it, unless you agree to a different payment method that does not involve additional costs for you.

3. ORGANIZED EVENTS: It is not possible to withdraw from the Contract in the case of a contract for the use of free time, if the Seller provides such performance within the specified period (§ 1837 (j) OZ). The Agreement on the provision of services — organized events is also considered a contract for the use of free time if it meets the condition of the use of the Customer's free time as well as the provision within a predetermined period (which is why the conditions of cancellation of participation are dealt with above, since in the case of our organized events it is a contract for the use of free time).

4th. In the event that the price of the products or the event is not paid by you even within 5 days after its due date, the Agreement will be terminated. The contract is terminated for offline and online meetings also if the full price has not been paid on your part no later than 3 days before the event, unless otherwise expressly agreed between us. The contract is also canceled for other organized events if the full price has not been paid by you no later than 5 days before the event, unless otherwise expressly agreed between us.

5. If you are given a gift together with the product or an event, the gift contract between us is concluded with the condition that if you withdraw from the Contract without giving reasons, the gift contract ceases to be effective and you are obliged to return the gift to us no later than 14 days after the withdrawal from the Contract. All gifts and bonuses are sent or made available only after payment of the agreed price of the product or organized event, unless otherwise stated on the web interface.

VIII. Rights from defective performance, complaint rules

1. Rights arising from defective performance are governed by applicable law, in particular the provisions of § 1914 to 1925, and § 2389i to 2389p OZ.

Rights from defective performance in the case of products (digital content)

1. We are responsible for product defects that the products had when they were made available. In particular, we are responsible for ensuring that the respective product:

(a) conforms to the agreed description and scope, as well as quality, functionality, compatibility, interoperability and other agreed characteristics;

b) is suitable for the purpose for which the Customer requests it and to which the Provider has agreed, and

(c) is provided with agreed accessories and instructions for use, including installation instructions, and user support, where reasonably expected given the nature of the product.

2. Furthermore, we are responsible for the fact that in addition to the agreed properties

(a) the product is suitable for the purpose for which a product of this kind is normally used, including with regard to the rights of third parties, legislation, technical standards or codes of conduct of the sector concerned, if there are no technical standards;

(b) the product, in terms of scope, quality and other performance parameters, including functionality, compatibility, accessibility, continuity and security, complies with the usual characteristics of digital content of the same kind that the Customer can reasonably expect, including in the light of public statements made by the Provider or another person in the same contractual chain, in particular advertising or labelling;

(c) the product is provided with accessories and instructions for use as the Customer may reasonably expect; and

d) the product corresponds to the trial version or preview made available by the Provider prior to the conclusion of the Contract.

We are not responsible for the characteristics of the products in accordance with this paragraph in the event that we specifically notify the Customer before concluding the Contract that some product property is different, and the Customer expressly agrees to this when concluding the Contract.

3. If the defect manifests itself within one year of the product being made available, the product shall be deemed to have been defective already at the time of making it available. This period does not run for the period during which the Customer cannot use the product, if he has legitimately complained about the defect.

4th. You can complain about a defect that appears on the product within two years of being made available.

5. If the product has a defect, you can request its removal, unless it is impossible or prohibitively expensive; this will be assessed in particular with regard to the significance of the defect and the value that the product would have without the defect. We will correct the defect within a reasonable time after its occurrence so that it does not cause significant inconvenience to the Customer, taking into account the nature of the product and the purpose for which the Customer requested it.

You can claim a reasonable discount or withdraw from the contract if

a) The Provider has not rectified the defect or it is apparent from the Provider's statement or from the circumstances that the defect will not be remedied within a reasonable time or without significant difficulties for the Customer;

(b) the defect becomes apparent even after removal, or

You may not withdraw from the Contract if the product defect is insignificant and the defect is deemed to be insignificant.

6. If you withdraw from the Agreement, we may prevent you from using the product again, in particular by making the product unavailable to you. If you withdraw from the Agreement, you are obliged to refrain from using the Product, including providing it to a third party.

7. We will refund the amounts of money that we have to issue to you on account of defective performance at your own expense without undue delay, but no later than fourteen days from the date on which you claimed the right for defective performance. It will use the same method in which you paid the price of the product, unless you expressly authorize otherwise and you will not incur any costs.

Rights from defective performance in the event of organized events

1. When organizing organized events, we are obliged to perform without defects with the characteristics mentioned or customary in such a way that the object of performance can be used according to the Agreement and, if known to the parties, also according to the purpose of the Agreement.

2. If it is fulfilled defective, you have rights from defective performance.

3. Our company, as a Provider, is committed to perform in medium quality.

In particular, defective performance shall be considered as:

(a) if we provide an object of performance (organised event) which does not have specified or agreed characteristics,

(b) if we fail to draw attention to defects which the subject of performance has, even though they do not usually occur with such an article.

c) if we assure you contrary to the fact that the object of performance has no defects or that the item is suitable for a particular use.

4th. If the defect is noticeable and obvious already at the conclusion of the Contract or if the defect can be detected from a public list, it shall be borne by the Customer. This does not apply if we have cleverly covered up the defect or if we have explicitly assured you that the item has no such defect or that it is free of defects at all.

5. You are entitled to claim the right of defective performance in court if you claim the defect without undue delay after having had the opportunity to inspect the performance and ascertain the defect, either by indicating the defect or by notifying it as it manifests itself. The defect can be claimed within six months of the receipt of the object of performance.

6. If you do not correct the defect in time and object to late recovery, the court will not grant you the right. This does not apply if the defect is the result of a fact that we knew or must have known about at the time of transmission.

7. As soon as you find a defect, please let us know without undue delay.

8. If the defect is fixable, you can claim either repairs, replenishment of what is missing, or reasonable discounts on the price. If the defect cannot be remedied and the object of performance cannot be properly used for it, you can either withdraw from the contract or apply for a reasonable discount on the price.

9. Whoever has the right under the preceding paragraph shall also be entitled to reimbursement of the costs incurred in the exercise of that right. However, if the right to compensation is not exercised within one month after the expiry of the period within which the defect is to be complained of, the court will not grant the right if the Provider objects that the right to compensation has not been exercised in time.

How to make a claim

We will accept the complaint at any of our premises where acceptance of the claim is possible, or at our headquarters or place of business.

You can make a claim by e-mail or in writing. In the context of making a claim, indicate which product/event is the subject of the complaint, what defect is the content of the complaint and what method of handling the complaint you require. To facilitate the procedure, it is advisable to attach to the complaint a proof of ordering the product/organized event or a tax document — an invoice, if issued.

When filing a complaint, we will issue a receipt to the Consumer stating the date of filing the complaint, what its content is, what method of handling the complaint the Consumer requests and the Consumer's contact details for the purpose of providing information on the handling of the complaint.

We are obliged to deal with the Consumer's complaint, including the elimination of the defect and inform the Consumer about it within 30 days from the date of filing the complaint, unless we agree with the Consumer on a longer period. After the expiration of this period in vain, the Consumer is entitled to withdraw from the Contract or demand a reasonable discount on the price.

We are also obliged to issue to the Consumer a confirmation of the date and method of handling the complaint, the duration of the complaint, or a written justification for rejecting the complaint.

IX. Complaint handling, consumer dispute resolution

1. If you have a complaint about the concluded Contract, its performance or our activities, please contact us at info@asociacevyjednavacu.cz

2. We operate on the basis of a trade license, the supervisory authority is the competent trade authority, supervision of compliance with consumer protection regulations is carried out by the Czech Trade Inspectorate. Compliance with data protection regulations is supervised by the Office for Personal Data Protection. You can also contact these authorities with your complaints.

3. If there is a consumer dispute between the Seller and the Consumer, the Consumer has the right to its out-of-court settlement. The subject of out-of-court settlement pursuant to Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on consumer protection, is the Czech Trade Inspectorate. Full details of the out-of-court settlement can be found on the website of the Czech Trade Inspectorate www.coi.cz The consumer can also use the online dispute resolution platform, which is established by the European Commission at: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.

X. Conclusion

1. The contract is concluded for a fixed period, until the fulfillment of the obligations of the Seller and the Customer under the contract arising from the contract.

2. If or if any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions become invalid or ineffective, this shall not affect the other provisions of these Terms and Conditions which remain in force and effect. In this case, the parties undertake to replace the invalid or ineffective provision with a new provision valid and effective in order to match as much as possible the purpose of the concluded contractual relationship.

3. The protection of personal data is handled by a separate document.

4th. All rights to the web interface, in particular copyright in the content, including website layouts, photos, videos, graphics, trademarks, logos and other content and elements, belong to the Provider. It is forbidden to copy, modify or otherwise use the web interface or products provided by the Provider without the consent of the Provider.

5. When using the Web Interface, the Customer shall not use practices that could adversely affect its operation and shall not engage in any activity that could allow him or any third party to unlawfully interfere or use the software or other components that make up the Web Interface and use the Web Interface or any part thereof or software equipment in a manner contrary to its purpose or purpose.

6. All legal disputes arising in connection with the Agreement shall be resolved in civil proceedings by the general courts of the Czech Republic. If the relationship related to the use of the web interface or the legal relationship established by the Agreement contains an international (foreign) element, then the contracting parties agree that the relationship is governed by Czech law. This is without prejudice to the rights of the Consumer arising from generally binding legislation.

7. Please note that we are entitled to change these GTC unilaterally, but the text of the Terms and Conditions effective at the time of sending the order always applies to the Customer.

8. These GTC are effective as of 01.01.2024

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