What is Negotiation

Vi. Vous negotiates every time someone wants something from you as soon as they put the first demand on the table. You negotiate all the time.

It could be your wife or your husband when he asks you to serve something from the fridge. Or a business partner who asks you for coffee in the boardroom. However, it can also be your child in case he requires you to buy him a toy or wants to go out in the evening, but it is not too late for you. You negotiate even the moment you are about to walk in the door and clash with someone in it. På denne gang, du kommer att. Even nonverbally.

You negotiate all the time. At home, with neighbors, with children, with parents, with their loves. You negotiate all the time. Con il tuo boso, con il collegio, con il tuo lavoro, con il tuo partner nel compagnie, con il tuo cliente, porque ti sono dearlo.

Negotiations can be used everywhere. If you are looking for a new contract, when you have to agree better terms, you need to extend the maturity of your invoices, or you want them to pay you earlier, for example, when you demand a bulk discount or a better salary.

The best negotiators in the world are children. You were great negotiators as kids. You put demands on the table and almost always achieved your own by doing so, but then they beat it out of your head. At home, at school, at courses or at work. They taught you to argue. Arguments don't work in negotiations. “

Negotiation is an art based on scientific knowledge. It is possible to study it and deal with it at a professional level. You must constantly evaluate the negotiations and constantly advance and expand your knowledge.

Still, many people think negotiation is an intuitive affair. A skill that you can do on your own and do not need to train it. However, in Switzerland, France or the United States of America, negotiation has long since become a university discipline, so you can study in it for many years.

Bargaining is a sexy sports discipline in which you can improve both your results and those of the people around you. You just have to find out what they are really about. You find their interests, you can take them into account, you can incorporate them into your plan.

By negotiating, you build a golden bridge to your counterpart. After him, she will switch to your side and be satisfied or satisfied. And you, too. Perché puede resolver la conflicte que hace con cada otra. No arguments, no courts, no wars. Negotiation is the discipline through which we save trades, deals, businesses, transactions, investments and relationships. And human destinies. And lives.

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Never go negotiate alone. Always take your negotiating team with you
Negotiations begin at the moment when the opposing party puts the first demand on the table.

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